Subject: Mentors aren't the answer

One of the top complaints I hear from attorneys is how isolated they feel.

When asked to expand on that, they usually tell me that it’s because they lack support from their firms and don’t have any real mentors.

Although having solid mentors IS necessary for career success, they’re missing the thing they need most…

Peer support.

Attorneys aren’t great at sharing their struggles, worries and fears with anyone. Especially their peers. They’re afraid of being judged by them (and looking weak).

Which then makes them feel isolated. Like they’re the only ones suffering from the doubts, worries and problems they’re facing.

I believe this is a big reason so many attorneys suffer from impostor syndrome (yep, talking about how you feel, what you’re struggling with, and what you fear with peers is an impostor syndrome solution).

There's something magical about sharing your struggles, thoughts, and doubts with peers who actually understand what you’re going through.

You suddenly realize you’re not alone. And that you can figure things out.

I see this happen all the time within ELEVATE (my mastermind) - it’s why I have the mastermind.

Although mentors are great, they aren’t the solution to feeling isolated at work. This goes for everyone, not just attorneys.

The solution is to include peers within your inner circle, and to share your struggles with them.

Listen to today’s insightful interview of guest Rachel Clar on the Life & Law Podcast to learn more about how - and why - to make more peer connections. Spoiler alert: having solid peer support is a proven key to success.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.