Subject: Looking for a sign?

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.

Now, on to the good stuff...

Looking for a sign, Friend?

Sometimes you need a bit of inspiration.  Something to get you through the day, week, month, or even year...

Today I have a message for you that comes from my grandfather Charlie.  It's an important message that I want you to read and let it sink in.  Because it might just be the thing that gets you to make a big decision, make a long-needed change, and/or start believing in yourself.

My grandfather grew up dirt-poor on a farm in South Carolina and later became an executive with a Fortune 100 company.  Although he was incredibly "successful" by society's terms, he was humble and prioritized serving other people.  And he was very much a member of the Greatest Generation.

Charlie often reminded me that no one is special.  He didn't want me to grow up believing that I'm better than anyone else.

And then one day, Charlie seemingly changed his tune and told me not to forget my uniqueness.  I didn't understand what he meant or how this fit in with not considering myself special, but he soon set me straight.  And now I want to share this message with you.

Although no one is "special" (i.e., better than any other person), everyone is unique.  

We each have different strengths, gifts, and opinions.  And there's purpose to this.

The world would be a boring place if we were all the same.  It probably wouldn't work very well if we all had the same strengths and weaknesses and similar talents.

The world, and it's people, are meant to flourish through the unique gifts, talents, and strengths of everyone.

What does that mean for you?  First, don't throw your uniqueness away by:
  • comparing yourself to anyone else
  • worrying what others might think (and hiding)
  • trying to act and think just like everyone else
Second, own who you are and shine bright by...
  • Speaking up (even when uncertain or scared).
  • Letting go of worrying about what others will think.
  • Using your skills, strengths, and gifts every day - in all you do.  Note: using your gifts for the benefit of others isn't bragging, it's called being useful.
And if others don't appreciate what you have to offer, be real about what it means.  Because it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.  There's no reason to get upset over their loss.

Doing this will lead to more fulfillment, freedom, and peace.  And it's how you'll make the biggest impact in the world. 

So, my question for you is how will you choose to shine? Right now, in this moment.  Respond to this email and let me know (I promise that I read every one of your replies).

Believing in you!

Successful on paper, yet exhausted and unfulfilled?  Course correct your life for career and life success from the inside-out.  It's time to shine brightly and create your own path forward so that you can feel passionate about your life and confident in yourself.

Go here to find out how.

Because feeling drained by your life while going through the motions isn't success... it's called burning out.  And you deserve better.

Feeling directionless and without purpose? Get your free Inner Compass Values Assessment workbook here for clarity around your core personal values so you can find your path forward.

Get a jump-start on setting the right goals for yourself next year.  Get 10 Questions to Ask Yourself at the Beginning (or end) of each New Year for a more productive + purposeful 2019!

NOTE: no opt-in is necessary for either of these resources.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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