Subject: Learn from the guy who lost his cool (over a kids baseball game)

Yesterday, as I waited for my oldest son's baseball game to get started, I was watching the end of the game in front of us.

A kid was called out at home plate - even though the catcher dropped the ball - and the umpire refused to reverse the call.

So (as sometimes happens), the father of the boy got emotional. He started yelling at the umpire (never a good move) and was told to be quiet or leave.

Instead of doing the right thing, the man went nuclear and spewed forth a ton of profanities while flipping the bird (he even grabbed at his nether regions).

This was over a 15-year old's baseball game during fall ball (a developmental season where wins/losses aren't all that important).

What I found interesting was that the man was ultimately trying to get the umpire to take responsibility for his bad call . . . by acting utterly irresponsible himself.

All I could think about was how this experience was a perfect analogy for where we are as a society right now. And how change starts from within each one of us by:
  • holding ourselves to higher standards,
  • being kind to others, and
  • forgiving those we feel have wronged us.
Don't let anger, resentment, fear or worry eat away at your soul, Friend.



On the Blog

To start holding yourself to higher standards, be your best, and not live in fear or worry, read:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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