Subject: Leadership starts here, Friend

It was our second coaching session, and my client was complaining about feeling unmotivated.

She was under a lot of pressure to increase business without hiring anyone new or skipping a beat in how she served her clients.

But her team had been underperforming.

How could she get more out of her team so that she could meet her firm-required goals (while also increasing her own motivation)?

And so I asked her a simple question…

How might your lack of motivation relate to your team’s performance?

This might seem obvious but I assure you it’s not - especially when in the middle of it all.

There’s a lot of advice out there around how to be an effective leader... communicate effectively, be open to feedback, lead by example, have a vision and so forth.

All of this is good (even great) advice.

But it's a lot of information. Which can be overwhelming.

Where to start?

Effective leadership starts from within, which means:

  • Self-awareness of thoughts, emotions and stress triggers.

  • Self-regulation of emotions and thoughts.

  • Taking responsibility for your actions/choices (and their results).

It’s easy to focus on the first two. But they don’t work without that third piece (which is the hardest one of all).

Leadership has nothing to do with your title and everything to do with how you show up in this world.

True leaders inspire others to be their best. They motivate people to take action. Especially the hard stuff.

But that won’t happen if you’re not self-aware, capable of self–regulating or interested in being self-responsible.

The good news is that you can develop these skills.

For more about what true leadership is, listen to this week's Life & Law Podcast Episode with guest Elise Buie.

Elise opened her own virtual law firm before virtual became a thing (pre-pandemic) - and quickly learned that running a successful virtual office requires exceptional leadership.

I encourage you to listen to my conversation with Elise regardless of whether you’re a lawyer, wanting to run a virtual office or ever interested in working virtually. I know you'll learn a lot about how to be a more impactful leader from this powerhouse woman.

Have a listen >>>here.



P.S. Ready to become the fierce leader you're meant to be? Book a call to chat about how I can help. My prices increase September 1st (so if you've been thinking about working together now is the time to reach out).

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.