Subject: I've got some secrets to share

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Overwhelm.  It's absolutely paralyzing.  When I get overwhelmed, I feel like a bunch of weights have been placed on my shoulders.  Super heavy weights that feel as if they're going to push me underground - forever.

And boy does that feeling suck.

Unfortunately, we all get overwhelmed from time to time.  Typically, because we've got so much to do.  But do we?  Or are we filling our days with a lot of stuff that isn't truly a priority?

What do you think, Friend?  Do you fill your days with stuff that isn't truly a priority (and are you convincing yourself that virtually everything is a priority)?

We recently talked about how to know when you're heading for overwhelm and burnout.  And how to rethink how you're prioritizing so that you can slow down and spend more time on what matters most to you.

Today's article goes deeper.  And I offer up 7 secrets that might just turn some of the "conventional wisdom" on it's head.  Adopting these 7 secrets into your life will help you ditch the overwhelm and prioritize what's truly important. 

Because everything can't be a priority (there's just not enough time in the day for that).

To read all about these 6 secrets, go here.  You'll learn:

1.  Why doing less is really doing more;
2.  Why taking control over your life involves letting go;
3.  Why multi-tasking must be dropped; and
4.  The huge mistake most people make when prioritizing that you should drop pronto (because it's making you more, not less, overwhelmed).  This is my #1 secret weapon in ensuring I use my to-do list properly and stay out of overwhelm.

And more.

Plus, I've got a bonus that includes: (1) my methodology for ditching any overwhelm you may be feeling right now AND (2) a step-by-step system to systematize your to-do list and ensure you're prioritizing the right things - so you can stay out of overwhelm mode.

With much love,

P.S. Have we connected on social media yet?  You can find, connect with, and follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

P.P.S.  If you want the bonus I reference above, you can get it here without having to re-submit your name and email (no opt-in required).
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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