Subject: It's not just about you

Ever feel like you’re too busy to…

  • Leave work early to work out?

  • Take an hour lunch break?

  • Take more than a few days off for vacation?

And when you DO take vacation, do you feel like you shouldn't (and end up on a “working vacation”)?

You might feel like it’s selfish to do these things because you have:

So much to do.

Commitments to fill.

Responsibilities to take care of.

And you can’t push those things off or back. Too many people are counting on you. And so you...

Push off the ONE thing that no one else will hound you for... YOU.

You’re in good company, Friend.

I’ve been there too. And it’s where 90%+ of my clients are when they first come to me.

But on the other side of working together, here’s what those same people would tell you now...

Self-care isn’t just about you.

In a perfect world, we would all prioritize self-care because we know we need it. But the world isn’t perfect, nor are us humans.

I’ve learned that it’s so much easier for us high-achievers to prioritize self-care when we connect it to something more.

More than just our own health.

More than how we feel.

More than us.

When you don’t take care of yourself, it shows. 

Maybe not immediately. But it shows more quickly than you want to admit.

In your work product.

In how you relate to others. 

In your ability to be present (or not!).

It's also why you:

  • Have to ask a colleague to repeat himself 3 times.

  • Don’t remember the entirety of last night’s conversation with your teenager.

  • Snap at your child (just for asking you to play with them).

  • Start an argument with your partner for how they loaded the dishwasher.

  • Can’t shut off all the thoughts about work and upcoming deadlines - no matter where you are, who you’re with or what you’re doing.

Find out more, including how to start prioritizing self-care no matter how busy you are in this week’s Life & Law Podcast release >>>here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.