A common complaint I hear from attorneys trying to grow their books is that they aren’t trained in business, marketing or sales.
On a related note, surveys tell us that a majority of women who leave law firms cite the need to originate business as a top reason for leaving. [And based on my conversations with male attorneys, I believe a sizable portion of men would say the same thing].
Law schools and law firms don’t do a good job of training attorneys in the business side of running a law practice. And because we lawyers (falsely) believe we must be super-trained in anything to understand it, we tend to shy away from it all.
But the good news is that it isn’t rocket science.
You either grew your business…Or you didn’t.
You either made more money than you spent… Or you didn’t.
You either got more clients… Or you didn’t.
It’s actually pretty simple math. And getting that math to work is simple, too.
When you join ELEVATE:
We determine your exact goals.
We put together a simple, strengths-based plan of action.
Your group (plus me) help you take consistent action.
AND what usually happens is…
You grow your practice (and make more money).
BUT what happens if your plan doesn’t seem to be working?
We meet and tweak your plan. The beauty of consistency (which is something the group is designed to help you with) is that we’ll have actual data to know what is and isn’t working.
So that we can tweak your plan according to the data and move forward stronger.
You see how this works, Friend?
When you are a part of ELEVATE, you have a partner who does the work WITH you (me) AND a group of peers to sharpen your ideas and keep you motivated to continue.
Will ELEVATE help you grow your business? Absolutely.
How will you know if it’s working?
It’s just math. Simple math even you can do.
And this is true no matter where you are in your practice.
Whether you’re starting from scratch.
Whether you’ve got a small book you’d like to grow exponentially.
Whether you're looking to get your $1MM practice (or more) to the next level.
Are you ready to grow (both your business and you)?
I’m ready to teach you what’s worked for me and my clients (that will be the foundation for your success for years to come).
Apply >>>here.