Subject: It has to be better (or does it?)

I keep hearing about how 2021 has to be better than 2020, especially since: 
  • it's a new year (with a new US President),
  • there's a COVID vaccine, 
  • more places will begin to open up as the pandemic winds down, 
  • and so on. 
That's all nonsense because things might not turn out as expected.  And something else could happen to eclipse the events of last year.

The good news is that none of that matters because. . .

Its up to YOU to make this year better, Friend.

Two weeks ago my 11-year-old son (Noah) got a migraine-like headache. 5 days, 3 doctor visits and an ER visit later (along with lots of ibuprofen and migraine medication), we found out that it was viral meningitis. 

Luckily (and as promised by his doctor), his headache went away as suddenly as it appeared.  Unfortunately, the virus + all the drugs to treat the migraine-that-wasn't royally messed up his stomach. 

He awoke last Monday feeling as if a nail was being driven into his upper abdomen (that lasted for 4+ days).

Yet during this time, Noah:
  • Asked lots of (typically curious) questions while waiting for doctors.
  • Talked with me about his favorite books.
  • Expressed gratitude for the many doctors who were trying to help him.
  • Voiced concern for the young man who came into the emergency room because he couldn't move his left leg.
  • Joked with the ER doctor about his favorite sports team.
Noah chose to make the best of it and be grateful regardless.

As I noted last week, I don't consider 2020 to have been a bad year despite financial hardship and personal loss.  But it didn't happen magically (I made it that way).

Don't look to other people or the world around you to make your life better. Make it better starting now.  



Articles (On The Blog)
For more help on how to make your life better - no matter what's going on in the world - read:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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