Subject: It happened (again)

Have you ever worked hard toward something. . . Only to realize that it’s a mistake, not viable or just not the right time?

But instead of changing course, you keep trudging along the same path because:
  • that’s what’s expected,
  • it’s what you said you’d do, and
  • people might think you’re flaky if you change course. 
I’m here to tell you that’s a disastrous path, Friend.

I know first-hand how that path looks.

Early in my legal career, I worked 90+ hour work weeks with people who rarely had my back. I often cried on my (late night) drive home from work just to relieve the stress and anxiety that had built up over the day.

Yet I did nothing for years because I thought no one would respect me if I didn’t stick it out.  And so all the negativity I felt broke free in not-so-healthy ways, like picking fights with my husband over how to properly load the dishwasher (of all things).

Here’s the deal: pushing along on the wrong path is a fast-track to anxiety, frustration and even resentment.

Luckily, I finally course corrected by changing law firms (and then pivoted again after the 2008 market crash wiped out all of my business and then again when I decided to become a coach).

And I'm course correcting once again.

I recently realized that the pandemic has shifted my business and impacted my personal life in new ways. To the point where I just don’t have the bandwidth to start a membership right now (and do it right).

So, the membership that I've been talking about is on hold for now.

I know that some of you were interested in the membership and will be disappointed.  I'm sorry about that (honestly, it's embarrassing having to do this to you).

But I also know that it's the right thing to do so that I can continue to provide top-notch support to my clients and to you while also supporting my family the way I need to. 

Please know that it's not cancelled (just on hold), and that when I do offer the membership it will be done right.

So, what should be your takeaway from all of this?

Change is a necessary part of life. And so is course correcting. 

But for whatever reason, your brain would prefer to stay on the same path (in complete misery) than face change.

That’s why developing a growth-oriented, resilient mindset is so important. It’s your foundation to course correcting when you need it (because sorry to say, it's never going to feel easy).

The pandemic is forcing us to course correct in many ways (such as how we work, live, approach our relationships, develop business and so on).

And that means that you MUST ensure that you're taking care of your mind.

That's why I'm hosting the Mindset Mastery Boot Camp 5-Day Challenge beginning on August 31st.  In this Boot Camp, we'll be covering how to:
  • be calm and composed even when under pressure,
  • quiet your critical inner voice and stop doubting yourself,
  • turn fear into fuel so that you can take bold authentic action,
  • increase your odds of making what you want a reality, and
  • confidently handle anything that life throws your way (like a global pandemic that's turned life upside down).
Be sure to join the Boot Camp, Friend.  Not only will it be fun, but you'll be learning exactly how to start taking your mindset (and hence your life) to the next level.

Join here:



P.S. Ready to navigate the new normal (without worry, stress or anxiety)? Need to regroup and rethink how you approach your business or career? Join the Mindset Mastery Boot Camp now. It's your ticket to more creative thinking + the confidence you need to take your next steps.

P.P.S. Although the Boot Camp won't take up much time (maybe 20 minutes per day for 5 days), it's going to be powerful. My coach even got on me for not charging anything for it.  So be sure to join!
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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