Subject: Is work life balance real? [Hint: no, but that's okay]

Everyone wants it, and we keep talking about how to find it. Yet few people ever seem to have it.

The 'it' I'm talking about is. . . work life balance.

The truth is that work life balance doesn't really exist.  At least not in the way we typically define it.

Your life can't be separated into two distinct categories. [Isn't working part of life too?]  

By separating your life into categories (that don't exist), you end up focusing primarily on how much time you spend doing things.

That creates guilt because you're pitting one part of yourself (the person who chose your career for a reason) against another part of yourself (the person who wants to care for those you love).

It's a false either/or scenario that creates either/or solutions.  Either I give my all at work or I don't so that I can give my all at home.

Yes, there is a time component to work life balance. But it's not the driving factor for how to create a balanced life.

The truth is that work life balance is really about making choices that align with YOUR values + priorities.
  • Do you say no to a big project (because you're already fully committed). . . or do you (yet again) break a promise to your kids?
  • Do you turn your phone off when having dinner with your family. . . or are you constantly answering just one more call or email?
  • Do you respect yourself enough to set aside non-negotiable time for self-care. . . or often put self-care dead last?
Create more balance by making better choices, Friend.

Not gonna lie, this isn't always easy (and can be especially difficult when just getting started).  But it's well worth it.  And hard doesn't mean impossible.

To learn more about how to rethink and create balance for yourself, be sure to listen to Episode #3 of my podcast here It will help you get started.



P.S.  Not a big podcast listener?  You're in luck because I've written about this too.  Go here to read about how to redefine work life balance for yourself (so that you can create it).

About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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