Subject: Is this getting in the way of what you really want?

Hey there, Friend.  Do you often find yourself saying or thinking "I don't have enough time to..." or "I can't" (even when you want to say "yes")?

I find that most of my clients have this issue (and frankly, many of my family and friends do too).

Here's what I know: when you say this, it means you'd prefer to be doing something other than what you're actually doing.  Yet you aren't.  And that means that what should be a priority isn't.

Why not?  Because not prioritizing properly gets in the way of what you really want in life.

We live in a crazy "busy" world these days.  But you know what?  A lot of what we're busy with isn't a priority.  And often, it's something that can be dropped, delegated, or put on the back burner.

Yet we don't drop, delegate, or put these things on the back burner.  Because we've convinced ourselves we should be doing whatever it is we're doing. 

And we push the things that are most meaningful to us and our life's purpose and vision down the priority ladder.

I say enough!

And I'm tackling how to deal with this issue in my latest blog post.  In it, you'll learn:
  1. Why being "busy" isn't something to brag about (even though most of us do this from time to time).
  2. 5 signs that mean you're likely off track and need to reconsider how you're prioritizing your time;
  3. 3 specific techniques to help you prioritize so that you can focus on what matters most to you; and
  4. Why it's so important to learn to prioritize properly.
Because the simple fact is that time doesn't stop, slow down, or grow.  And you only have so much of it.  Which means that you shouldn't waste it.  Ever.

Click here now to read How to Prioritize Like a Pro So You Can Focus on What Really Matters.

The message in this article is important.  I know you want to be successful - both within your career and your personal life.  But you'll never be successful in life if you burn yourself out. 

And if you don't learn to prioritize properly (and act accordingly), you'll burn out.  So please don’t ignore this article or the message within it.

Once you've read the article, I want to know...

What’s one technique from the article that you can put into practice that will help you re-prioritize your life and start focusing on the right things?  And is there something that you’re willing to drop, delegate, or move up or down your priority ladder?

I ask you to share your insights in the comments section to my article (and provide as much detail as you’d like).  Sharing your thoughts and insights will help you move forward and make real and lasting changes to your life.  And it could also help others make a meaningful breakthrough.

All my best,


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