Subject: Increase your ROI by 30%

As a lover of systems and processes, I especially love it when I can simplify something that feels complicated and time-consuming through a framework.

A framework - if done right - can make what initially feels overwhelming instead feel doable (maybe even easy). That's because a good framework is designed to:

  • Focus your efforts.

  • Keep you on course.

  • Reduce distractions.

Which is why - when faced with the daunting task of growing my own book of business as a young partner starting from scratch - I developed a framework for how to go about doing the work.

Not only did this framework work (it’s what I used to get to $1MM in just 2 years) but it proved to drastically improve my ROI (of time, energy and money).

Because it helped me focus on the things that worked while dropping what didn’t.

But that’s not even the best thing about this framework (or any other good framework).

The best part is how customizable they are.

I use the same framework inside my current business AND my clients use it too.

And it recently dawned on me that this framework isn’t just applicable to business growth. It can be applied to just about any goal you have - whether business or personal.

To get the entire framework and all the details for how to use it to grow your business, listen to Episode 125 of the Life & Law Podcast >>>here.

For those of you who want it now (and would like to apply it to something not related to growing your own business), here it is:

  • Have a values-based vision + goals (and strategy for achieving them).

  • Create a strategy for goal achievement based on your strengths (and keep it simple).

  • Support yourself by calendaring in time to do the work.

  • Surround yourself with people you trust to keep you accountable and motivated.

  • Work in 90-day increments for measurable results (and the ability to tweak as you go based on actual data).



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Learn more about it (including what to expect out of it from past and current participants) and apply >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.