Over the holidays, I caught up with a former colleague and friend who mentioned that she'd expected me to be 'big' by now. . .
Speaking on big stages. With a well-known podcast of my own. A recognized name (like Jen Hatmaker or Rachel Hollis).
Ouch, right? Actually, no.
Instead of being bothered by her comments, all I could think about was how much I didn't want that life.
And I actually believed it until one of my clients (just 2 weeks ago) boldly proclaimed that SHE wanted to be the next big thing. While admiring her courage, all I could think was: - What if you're criticized?
- What if the fame (and increased power) changes you?
- What if your success hurts your marriage?
[Much like Rachel Hollis and Jen Hatmaker.]
That's when it hit me. And I laughed - out loud like a crazy woman.
Here I was thinking that I had been held back because of fear of failure, and what was really getting in my way was the fear of success.
After pondering what was going on within me, I decided to move forward regardless. Because the honest truth is that I want to make a bigger impact.
And so my podcast (for better or worse) will go live later this month (details to come soon!).
Because the thing is, no matter how successful (or not!) I am, I have control over ME. I control: - How I handle any criticism.
- Whether I prioritize my marriage.
- Who I choose to be.
Every. Single. Day.
Where is fear of success holding you back, Friend? Identify it, deal with it and don't let it stop you.
The world needs more people to stand up, follow their dreams, speak out and do more. And there's no reason why you shouldn't be one of them.