Subject: I'm a little embarrassed about this

Hey there, Friend.  By now, you've seen that I write articles for YourTango.  It’s a way to get my writing in front of more people. 

YourTango regularly asks for articles on particular topics - what they call "hot topics" (which, much of the time, aren't topics I write about).  But, from time to time, something catches my eye.

When you write on a hot topic, you’re more likely to be promoted by them – meaning they highlight you on their main pages, they push your articles out to their social media followers (which is a huge number, by the way), and/or they include you in their daily email notices. 

Unfortunately, when they ask for a hot topic, any of their experts can write an article about that topic.  And if someone else gets their article in before yours, you're pretty much out of luck.

Recently they asked for a topic that I found interesting.  They wanted a piece on how emotionally strong people become that way. 

This piece was interesting to me because people tell me all the time that I'm strong.  Not in the physical sense (quite obviously), but mentally and emotionally.

And, even though I knew what I would write about for this piece, I mulled over it for over a week.  Honestly, I figured that someone else would pick it up and it would be removed from the hot topics list.

But no one else wrote about it. So I decided to take the plunge and begin writing. 

Why did I take so long to do this?  I'm not 100% sure.  But I do know that, when people tell me how "strong" I am, I get a bit uncomfortable.

If you’ve been following my blog since the beginning, then you know that I haven’t always been a strong person.  I used to be a scared little girl who was afraid of her own shadow.  And I didn’t think I’d ever be strong.  But I changed.

So, I wrote the piece and submitted it.  And I decided that I'll no longer be uncomfortable when people tell me that I'm strong.  Because I am.  And I'm ready to own it.

And this is what's embarrassing to me.  I've been denying a piece of myself.

Is there something inside of you that you know to be true (that's even a strength) and yet you've been denying about yourself too?  I'm betting there is.

I'm hear to tell you NO MORE.  Own it.  Be who you are and be proud of that.

Lucky girl that I am, YourTango liked my piece.  And they've decided to promote it.  Thank goodness I decided to put myself out there and write it.

This is the first piece I've written for YourTango that they've decided to promote.  I think maybe it was meant to be this one. 

And once you've read it, I ask that you share it (using the share buttons at the top of the article).  Because everyone deserves to increase their emotional strength.

With much love,


P.S. If you haven’t read the post that I mentioned above (the one that I wrote early in my blogging days about when I wasn’t very strong on the inside and how I changed), then click here to read it.  Out of everything I’ve written, it happens to be my favorite (and it's unabashedly me).
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