Subject: I'll be happy when

I’ll be happy when…

➠I graduate from law school.

➠I get through my first year of practice.

➠I have enough money to buy a house.

➠I'm promoted to partnership.

[Yep, that was me.]

And then I graduated from law school… yet found myself wanting more.

And got to the end of my first year of practice... feeling emotionally exhausted.

And bought my dream house... but nothing changed.

There was always another milestone to meet (and other people's expectations to fulfill) before I'd be truly happy.

One day I took a hard look around and admitted that the majority of partners were anxious and overwhelmed.

How could I believe being promoted would make the difference for me? Shouldn't I have more control over my own happiness?

Heart racing, I asked myself to find the outliers. And noticed a small group who seemed content (dare I say happy).

What was the difference?

They thought differently about success (and happiness).

They measured success based on input - against their values. Which impacted what they did. And how they felt about themselves.

Turns out that happiness isn't about feeling good or positive most of the time. That's unnatural, and forced positivity is toxic.

Happiness is about feeling content in who you are and your choices.

THAT'S how to create it for yourself, Friend.

You must think (and then do) differently.

And the good news is that living this way will help you achieve more of the things you want.

I recently talked about how to redefine and choose happiness for yourself on the podcast. If you haven't yet listened to it, go >>>here. [It's short, so no excuses!].

Have questions about how to make this shift? Hit reply and ask away. I read every email and WILL get back to you.



P.S. Want to learn to think and do differently, starting now? Book a call with me to chat about how to work together >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.