Subject: Ideas for fun to inspire you

Last week we talked about putting some FUN back into your life. Even when life has been disrupted and you’re subjected to higher-than-normal levels of stress and anxiety.

Because life hasn’t been cancelled. . . and neither has your ability to create moments of happiness.

But sometimes it's difficult to find new ways to have fun (especially when you're worn down).

My advice is this: keep it simple.  Your brain will try to overcomplicate it, so don't let that happen. 

Instead, think back to life's simple pleasures and answer the following questions:
  • What did you like doing as a kid?
  • What makes you smile?
  • How can you incorporate the above into your life?
Fun, high-vibe music has always made me feel amazing (especially 80's music like The Cure, Run DMC, The Clash, The Beastie Boys and Prince).  

I have fond memories of playing board and card games with my brother as a kid  (even though he was the worst loser ever!).

And there are specific movies I watched growing up that always bring a smile to my face, such as: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Princess Bride, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and The Blues Brothers.

And so I've been finding ways to incorporate all of these into my life lately.

Ideas for Simple Fun

Dust off the deck of cards hiding in the bottom of your desk drawer and the board games hidden at the top of your closet and actually play them.  And if you don't have any, get yourself online and find a few.

My family's favorites are:
  • Clue
  • Life
  • Catan
  • Trans America
  • Splendor (my personal fave)
Introduce your kids to some of your favorite movies growing up.  We've recently introduced our boys to The Sandlot, The Goonies and Jaws.

Host a movie-watching party with family and/or friends.  There are lots of ways to do this even when self-isolating (here's an article on how).  

Jam to your favorite music (and get your kids and/or spouse to dance with you).  

And if you happen to be married to a semi-stoic who won't dance with you (but will give you a sarcastic eye roll), then mess with him by singing at the TOP OF YOUR LUNGS.

Your Next Step

Make sure you're doing all you can to be in the right mindset.  Because it's impossible to create fun if you're stuck in worry, fear and anxiety.

That's why I've been hosting weekly Master Your Mindset Training Sessions (that according to participants, have been incredibly helpful - even fun!) 

We meet every Wednesday morning through the end of this month at 8:30 AM CST (and it's not too late to join us).  

Tomorrow we'll cover how to feel happier and more positive by practicing gratitude (even when life sucks).  To join, register here:


P.S. Get lifetime access to ALL of my Master Your Mindset Weekly Sessions (so that you can actually use them whenever needed and at your convenience) through the Master Your Mindset Bundle.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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