Subject: I was called out and it was the best thing that ever happened

I grew up with a single, alcoholic mom who had a knack for attracting not-so-nice guys (they often beat her in front of my younger brother and I). You never knew what mood either would be in, and so we lived in a near-constant state of fear.

What's worse is that I believed that I deserved it. Until the day my favorite teacher called me out (in front of the entire class!).

School was the one place where I excelled - it was my safe space - yet someone I trusted had just told me (in front of EVERYONE) that I had turned in a piece of @%*#. This wasn't just an embarrassing moment, it felt like a betrayal.

But then, my teacher pulled me aside to tell me that:
  • I'm capable of so much more,
  • She could see greatness within me, and
  • I'd better live up to it.
She didn't know it, but THAT was the spark that changed everything for me. It changed how I viewed my life, the people in it, the world around me and even myself (and what I was capable of).

This one experience fueled me to be better, do better and live better. And to seek out those people who could help me do it. People like. . .
  • My grandfather, who inspired me to create my own happiness and taught me how to serve others without losing sight of myself.
  • A legal mentor who helped me create my legal practice my own way instead of mimicking everyone around me.
  • The coach who kept me accountable to my values as I struggled to start my coaching/consulting business.
And (of course) that teacher who called me out yet gave me the unyielding belief that I'm worth it.

That’s why I became a coach. And it's why I write this newsletter.

It’s not just about giving you tools and strategies, but about being the spark that enables YOU to start viewing yourself, your life and even the world differently.

So that you can live the life you're meant to live. Full out. Without regrets. Content. Courageously.

Because news flash: you're worth it too, Friend.

Tomorrow is your last day to apply for Inside-Out Success Coaching at the 1/3 off the regular investment. Coaching isn't for everyone. But for some of you, this is the spark you need.

Schedule your free consult now to apply.

Believing in you,


P.S. Not interested in coaching right now? No problem. Click here and you’ll continue to get my weekly newsletter but won’t hear another word about this special coaching offer (this will take you to my blog where you can catch up on my latest articles).
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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