Subject: I didn't want to write this

A couple of months back I warned that the election wasn't going to magically fix things in the United States.  And unfortunately, I wasn't wrong.

But I never envisioned what happened last week.  And, although I originally had something else in mind to write about today, I decided to deal with the elephant in the room.

Don't worry, I'm not going to get all political on you.  But sometimes events happen which must be addressed (and this is one of those times).

I've said this before and will say it again. . . Our leaders are a reflection of our society.

The good news is that change starts from within each of us.

I wanted to make a few important (yet not-so-comfortable) points as you ponder your role moving forward.

Opinion Isn't Fact

When it comes to politics, most people have locked in on what they believe is the right way . . . as if it's the only way.  And anything else is wrong (even evil).

I'm sorry, but that's just not true.

When it comes to our political opinions, most is just that.  Opinions that are based on life experiences.

You don't know what anyone else has experienced nor have you been through what they have.  So be careful not to judge too quickly.  

And even when someone is wrong in their conclusion (or their preferred way of expressing their views), they could still have a relevant point.

Which brings me to my next topic. . .

Doing Evil Things Isn't the Same As BEING Evil

People are weak.  We sometimes (often?) do stupid things.  Sometimes these stupid things are bad - even evil.

But doing an evil thing (or things) doesn't necessarily make the person evil.

And there's something called redemption.  Redemption should never be off the table (otherwise why would anyone want to change and how will we ever heal as a nation?).

That doesn't mean that you don't hold people accountable.  The two go hand-in-hand, as accountability can help people redeem themselves.

Although evil people exist, most people don't fall into that category.

Start From the Ground Up

You can't immediately change society.  But you can change you. And there's a ripple effect if you keep at it (that can eventually change things).

Seek to understand those with differing viewpoints by asking questions and listening (without judging). Fix your own language (and thoughts!).  

Hold yourself accountable and BE the example you want out of others.

Then start asking family and friends to do the same. . . and hold your politicians to high standards.  I say 'your' for a reason because most people make excuses for their own side's wrongs.

If we keep ratcheting up our language while making excuses because the 'other side' did something similar or worse, how will it ever stop?

There Is No Perfect

There's nuance in life that everyone loves to skip right past because admitting that means being honest about the consequences of decisions.  

The truth is that with big decisions comes a negative impact on someone (no matter what).  

But that doesn't mean you can't make the best decision possible.  Making the best decision is doing what you think is best after considering all alternatives (and their consequences), your priorities and competing demands.

Take the coronavirus response. We've neatly divided into two camps, both ignoring the (valid) points the other side makes.

It seems to me that we'd have a more balanced (and better) approach if we would consider everything.  But make no mistake: no matter how balanced the approach, there would still be a negative impact to someone.

Next Steps

Making a difference starts with what you have control over (YOU!).  It's not easy. It takes courage.  But I'm certain that you have it in you.

Are you game, Friend?



P.S. It's not too late to join ACHIEVE 2021, my FREE online goal planning workshop that remains available through the end of this month.  

This could be your next step to making a bigger impact (great goals can have an impact not just on you but on others too). 

About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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