Subject: How to set goals so you'll achieve them [Part 2]

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Have you ever had a goal that you just couldn't get excited about?  

Instead of feeling inspired by it, you felt as if you were trudging through mud (or even quicksand)?

And so you kept putting it off, never feeling motivated to do it.

Which (of course) had you wondering why you couldn't just commit and do the work, and feeling. . .


Like a procrastinator.


But what if the problem wasn't you, Friend?  

What if your problem was the goal itself (and even your goal-setting process)?

Two weeks ago, I told you about 10 common goal-setting mistakes. [If you missed it, you can find the original email here].

Several of those common mistakes revolve around setting the wrong goals.  That's because your goals should EXCITE you, and provide you with motivation to keep going (and unfortunately, lots of people don't do that).

When you set the wrong goal, you'll fail.  Either you won't achieve your goal or you'll accomplish something that won't make you happy.

Now that you know what not to do, it's time to learn how to set goals the right way.  And that's all about your goal-setting process.

If you've been a long-time reader, then this will sound familiar (I've written about it before).  

I've updated the original article (a lot!) to take you step-by-step through my simple goal-setting process.

If you want to set goals that will make you happier (and not feel like a slog to work through), go read How to Set Personal Goals for Work and Life That You'll Actually Achieve.

In this article, you'll learn:
  • 3 keys to setting goals you're more likely to achieve,
  • Why setting SMART goals isn't enough (and what to do about that), and
  • The FIRST thing you should do when goal-setting (that most people don't do) [hint: it's covered first in the Successful Goal-Setting Worksheet below].
Once you've read the article, put it into practice by downloading the Successful Goal-Setting Worksheet here.  This worksheet will take you step-by-step through my goal-setting process (and will help you avoid the common mistakes we talked about a couple of weeks ago). 

It's time to set more meaningful goals that will motivate you to achieve them!

And before you go, I'd love to hear from you.

Hit reply and tell me your biggest takeaway from my goal-setting process and how you'll use that when setting your 2020 goals.  

And if you have any questions about how to use this process as you set your new goals, just ask.  I read every email and will respond.


P.S. It's your LAST chance to get Uncage Your Life (A Self-Care Reset) at the year-end special price.  So, if you've been on the fence, it's time to commit.

If you often feel stressed and/or overwhelmed and are ready to do something about it, then this is for you.  Go here for all the details (and to sign up).
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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