Subject: How to have more fun this year (you deserve it)

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Now, on to the good stuff...

When I was a kid, I LOVED listening in on grown-up conversations. Some would call it eavesdropping (I called it being curious).

One time (when I was 6 years old) I overheard my grandparents talking with some friends about heaven. Before I could stop myself, I inserted myself into their conversation to ask about something that had long been bothering me. . .

Nana, are there bathrooms in heaven? How do you go to the bathroom there? [remember, I was only 6]

I didn’t exactly get the response I was hoping for (being laughed at by adults as a child is soul-crushing).

But my grandmother wasn’t laughing. She answered my question and then told me to:
  • stay curious and keep asking questions, and
  • never let what other people might think stop me from anything.
Until recently (when going through my goal-setting process), I’d forgotten about this moment.

You might be wondering what this has to do with my goals.  It turns out EVERYTHING.

Although I took my Nana's advice about being curious, I've always had trouble with not letting other people's opinions affect my decisions.

Case in point: when I first started my coaching practice, I didn't reach out to attorneys even though it would have been easier to grow my new business that way (I worried they wouldn't respect my decision to leave the legal world behind).

In my defense, I didn't consciously realize that my fear was holding me back.  Instead, my mind made up excuses about how I didn't want to work with lawyers (the brain is great at masking fear through lame excuses).

The good news is that I eventually realized what was really going on and acted despite my fear.

And that's what bravery really is. 

Being brave is about acting even when you doubt yourself, fear something bad will happen, and worry that you’re going to fail.

When reviewing my past year, I realized how often I faced down my fear and acted despite it. Doing this led to lots of lessons learned and incredible growth in my business.

Did it also lead to some failures?  Yep.

But the thing is, I had so much more fun this past year because I allowed myself to truly LIVE.

It turns out that facing your fears builds self-confidence and allows you to have lots more fun (even fulfillment).

That's why I'm going even BIGGER with this year's goals (more on that below).

How about you, Friend?  What's getting in YOUR way?

Not sure? Ask questions, such as:
  • What's missing (that you secretly want)?
  • What's something you'd like to change that could make a huge positive impact within your life?
  • If you were to FULLY live your life, what would that look like?
Once you answer these questions, ask whether you believe you can have what you want.  Dive deeply into any internal resistance that you feel (the fears, doubts, worries, and negative beliefs that are holding you back from going all-in).

Once you uncover what's holding you back, it's time to choose.  My hope for you is that you'll act regardless of any fear, worry, negative belief, or doubt that you have.

To put a stake in the ground and hold myself accountable, I'm telling you my 2 big business goals for 2020 that bump up against some pretty big fears:
  • Goal #1: Launch a Mastermind (and fill at least 2) for attorneys and other service professionals to help them grow their business.  (I’m interviewing people NOW, so if you’re an attorney or other service professional who’s looking to grow your business, check out the THRIVE Mastermind here).
  • Goal #2: Launch a Membership Site (called Course Correct Academy) during Q1 2020 and grow it to 50+ members by the end of the year. This goals is super scary for me.
Now it’s your turn. Face those doubts, fears and worries head-on.  Set your goals to help you do that.

And then hit reply and tell me what you're doing.  It's time to put your stake in the ground.

XO (and believing in you!),

P.S. Do you want change yet don't have the time for a long, complicated self-development program?  Course Correct Academy (the upcoming membership) might be just what you were looking for.  Go here to learn more about it.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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