Subject: How to get off the "what if" train (and take control)

Does your brain feel cluttered with a million "what if's" lately?
  • What if my family gets sick?
  • What if my parents (or others I love) die?
  • What if the economy doesn't recover?
  • What if my business can't sustain itself through the shutdown?
  • What if my husband doesn't find new work soon?
If this is you, you need to know that nothing is wrong with you.

Your brain is designed to work this way.  It's attempting to forecast future possibilities so that you can plan accordingly.

The problem is that your mind is also wired for negativity - as a survival instinct.  That's why it's so easy to get stuck on the "what if" train.

The good news, Friend, is that you can counteract it.

Today, I'm teaching you one of my favorite coaching tools for counteracting the "what if's" (that I use A LOT with clients).

What To Do When Stuck In "What If's"

It's important to know that "what if's" are always bad (if only the brain would shower you with thoughts of all the good things that could happen, right?).

And so the normal reaction is to push these thoughts away.

Yet they keep creeping back, don't they?  They grow, bringing new (even worse) "what if's" with them.

And before you know it, a small "what if" has grown into a full-out catastrophe that you'll never be able to recover from.  

Yet nothing has happened (other than your brain hijacking you).

So, how can you take back control?

Here's what to do instead:
  • Remind yourself that you're merely forecasting a potential future that hasn't yet happened (and may never).  Remember that your brain is supposed to do this so that you can plan accordingly.
  • Face the difficult scenario head-on and ask what you'll do should your "what if" actually occur.  
This simple tool activates your problem-solving abilities so that you can start planning (the way you're supposed to).

And that will get you OFF the never-ending train of "what if's" and instead into a place of control + action.  You'll have a plan.

Because what your brain keeps forgetting in these moments is that you're capable of changing the outcome.  You're not suck on a train that you have zero control over.

Mindset Mastery Sessions

The tool above is just one of many that can be used in times of stress, uncertainty and difficulty.  I've been covering many others in my weekly Mindset Mastery Sessions.

And we have a BIG one coming up this week.  

Join me on Wednesday morning at 8:30 AM CST (9:30 AM EST) for a training on how to re-frame ANYTHING so that you can feel happier and more in control when times are difficult, uncertain and just plain worrisome.

Someone recently asked me if re-framing is just another way to tell someone to think more positively. The answer is absolutely NOT.  

Join me to find out why (and how to use re-framing correctly so that you can start feeling happier and less stressed right now).

If you haven't yet registered for these sessions, do that here:


P.S. I've got a bonus tool coming your way next week to counteract all those "what if's", so be on the lookout.

P.P.S. Get lifetime access to ALL of my Master Your Mindset Weekly Sessions so that you can use them at your convenience EXACTLY when you need them most with the Master Your Mindset Bundle.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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