Subject: How to figure out who you really are

Last week, I shared a recent wake-up call and asked an important question: How are you choosing to show up and live your life?

It’s okay if you realized you’re not showing up in quite the way you’d like. As a high-achiever, you like to follow the "rules" as you traverse along the path laid before you.

But is it your path, Friend?

[If not, you're in good company. I see this all the time in my clients].

The good news is you can course correct. And your starting point is to reconnect to who you are.

Which is why I chose to bring Allie Brak onto the podcast this week.

Allie did all the things she was supposed to yet ended up feeling untethered, not knowing who she really was.

Despite feeling this way, she kept pushing forward because trying to figure out a new path felt so uncertain it would be like freefalling (her biggest fear).

But she finally realized she had to go there. Find out how she did that (and got comfortable with the discomfort of freefalling) in this week's insightful Life & Law Podcast episode >>>here.



P.S. If you’re an attorney who is ready to become the impactful lawyer (and person) you want to be, I invite you to book a Breakthrough Call with me here to chat about how I can help.

Don’t keep putting yourself (and the practice you want) off.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.