Subject: How to feel more content, starting now

Wearing a thin hospital gown (goose bumps out of control thanks to how cold they keep those places), I waited anxiously for my CT scan.

I was next in line for the test that would determine whether the lump I felt was a breast cancer recurrence or nothing to worry about.

As I waited, I struck up a conversation with a woman who knew her cancer was back.

A conversation that lasted (maybe) 10 minutes yet 11 years later, I remember vividly.

I know sometimes we put on a good face and pretend. But that’s not what this woman was doing.

She was full of grace. She was resilient. She was content.

Given her circumstances, I had to ask…

How is it that you’re so content?

Her response was that she awoke each morning thankful for the gift of a new day. And so she tried to go all-in as if it was her last day on earth (because truth be told, you never know).

That had been her approach for the past 25+ years.

To be fully transparent, some of this had to do with her faith in God. But this outlook isn’t limited to believers in God (I have non-believer clients who successfully cultivate this mindset).

Want the mindset she had? [I certainly did, especially at that moment].

Focus on your input, not the outcome.

Because that’s what you have full control over. And how to feel more content about:

  • Your choices (no matter the outcome).

  • Your behavior (regardless of what others think).

  • Who you are (even if you feel like you don’t fit in).

Which - over time - reframes how you see life too.

We often think wanting control is the problem. But wanting control in and of itself isn’t an issue.

It depends on what you’re trying to control.

You don’t have control over:

  • What others do.

  • How or what others think.

  • Current circumstances.

  • Your outcome (no matter how hard you work).

You have control over you, Friend.

Which is a good thing.

This idea of measuring based on input - and how to free yourself from stress and worry - is a big topic on today’s podcast. Join me and guest Gary Miles to learn how to free yourself from overthinking, worrying and stressing >>>here.



Grow Your Law Practice Without Losing You In The Process

In case you haven't heard, ELEVATE Business Mastermind for attorneys is back.

Truth: growing your practice/firm takes work and a time commitment. Which is why your brain will keep coming up with all the reasons to put it off. But the other side of the coin is this...

Nothing will change if you don't commit to doing the work. And the "work" can be enjoyable with peers and mentors helping you along the way.

That's why I created ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind. You get high-level support and connection that will help you and your business go further, faster in a way that's enjoyable.

Learn more about and see typical client results from ELEVATE >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.