Hey there, Friend.
Last week I told you about an upcoming challenge that's designed to help you create a more resilient, healthy mentality. And I noticed that you haven't signed up for it yet.
If you're anything like me you probably figured you'd get to it later, but then deleted it (oops) or were so busy that you never got to it (and deleted the email so that your inbox doesn't get cluttered).
I get it. I often do the same thing.
That's one of the problems with trying to keep my inbox nice and tidy, Marie Kondo-like.
So that you don't miss out, I'm sending you a friendly reminder. 😉 The Mindset Mastery Boot Camp is a 5-day challenge that begins Monday, August 31st. In this free challenge, you'll learn how to:
- rewire your mind to be calm (even when under pressure),
- turn fear of failure into fuel (so that you can act regardless),
- quiet your inner critic,
- make your goals easier to achieve, and
- increase your odds of success.
Think of the challenge as a way to de-clutter and tidy your mind in a way that empowers you to take bold, confident action toward your dreams.
And everyone needs more of that, Friend (especially in the age of corona).
To join, tap the button below: