Subject: How do you feel about aging?

I turned 50 two days ago. I know it’s uncommon - especially as a woman - to tell others how old you are.

And I admit, I don’t love the impact aging has had on my body (like not being able to eat bacon without stomach pain and how much slower my muscles recover after working out).

But I’m not sad to have turned 50 and am unafraid to tell people how old I am. And I'm definitely not one of those people who wishes to relive my past.

Some of this is thanks to breast cancer (or more appropriately, the lessons learned from it).

I’ve come to realize that with each new day comes more knowledge, opportunity, joy, strength and (yes) pain.

And that pain? It’s part of the package. You can’t have a good life without the pain part.

I’ve accepted it.

The best part of acceptance? It opens your eyes to new opportunities.

Because when you don’t accept what IS you can’t get your mind off questions you can’t answer, like…Why do bad things happen? Why does life have to be so unfair?

Which does you no good. Not only are there no good answers but you’re closing yourself off from seeing the gift within the pain.

The gift of learning, growth, redemption, faith, strength, potential, [the list could go on and on].

There’s ALWAYS a gift within the pain.

But when your mind is stuck ruminating instead of accepting, you close your mind off to seeing the gift.

How about you, Friend?

How can you get to a place where you accept what is no matter what pain currently afflicts you? And without obsessing over how things could (or should) be different?

How can you accept getting older without worrying about how much time is left (because, who knows)?

That’s not living.

Accept what IS so you can enjoy the life you have right now.



P.S. Season 3 of the Life & Law Podcast is around the corner. Be on the lookout June 6th.

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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.