Subject: How are you positioning yourself?

Picture it…

  • Black pencil skirt.

  • Azure blue shirred top (that made my blue eyes sparkle).

  • Brand-new black leather sling-back pumps.

It was my first in-person meeting with a new client I had big hopes for, and I wanted to feel ah-mazing.

And I did... until my not-yet-worn-in shoes slipped on the slick carpet.

As my client helped pull me off the floor, my thoughts went wild.

“You’re nothing but a klutz.”

“He's laughing at you.”

“You can forget about growing this client's business!"

Looking back it’s actually quite funny.

Both the experience and the crazy things I told myself. [Your inner voice is often the cruelest person you’ll ever meet].

Of course, my client had no idea.

I took a deep breath and made a light-hearted joke about it. Which my client picked up and ran with (apparently, he’s a bit of a klutz too).

The meeting was a success (and the client stuck with me).

This incident taught me an important lesson on how to position myself (with clients, at work and even online).

I learned to show up as the imperfect person I am, and to share relevant life experiences.

It's how I attracted the right clients (ya' know, people I enjoyed working with). And how I developed strong relationships over time.

I believe it's how I grew my law practice to over $1MM in less than two years from scratch (and then to over $2.5MM thereafter despite having to take a combined 16 months off for a high-risk pregnancy and later to battle breast cancer).

And of course, it's why I share so many embarrassing stories with you.

How do you position yourself, Friend?

Do others see you the way you want them to? Do you want to change how you position yourself… with colleagues, with clients and even online?

For more on this topic (and why it should matter to you), listen to How Are You Positioning Yourself on the podcast >>>here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.