Subject: Has this ever happened to you?

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NOTE: Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails that you want to receive.

I seriously hope you stick around ;-), but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  Now, on to the good stuff...

Do you ever wish you could ask me a question about HOW to better balance your life (and don't email because the back-and-forth is annoying and you'd prefer to just chat)?

Do you sometimes want to ask me for a quick stress management tip - especially on days when you're stressing over a big work meeting and your son spills milk all over your new suit on your way out the door (so you get a ticket while speeding to that oh-so-important meeting)?

Now’s your chance, Friend!

I've received feedback from many of you about being available for Q&A where we can have a real discussion.  That's why I've decided to do a monthly training/Q&A session starting this month!

On September 17th - next Tuesday - at 11: 30 am CST / 12: 30 pm EST, I'm hosting a free training and Q&A.

The quick (yet powerful) training will cover how to create a flexible self-care plan that works for YOU (especially when it comes to exercise and other time-consuming stuff that can be hard).  And then we'll open it up to you.

Curious about how I handle crazy days? Now you can find out.

Want to know how to fit simple self-care into your busy schedule? I have you covered.

All your questions answered.

Did I mention it’s free?

Put it on your calendar and plan to be there (call-in details will follow next week).

P.S.  This is your chance to get your questions answered, so be sure to get it into your calendar and commit to being there!
About Heather

I help successful yet overwhelmed and unfulfilled professionals create fulfilling work that’s balanced with a real life... without sacrificing your success.

Here's the thing: you weren't born to rinse and repeat your life into oblivion.  It's time to create a calm mind, get clarity around what you want out of your career + life, and confidently take control so that you can create success from the inside-out.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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