Subject: Guaranteed to decrease stress, increase happiness (without taking up much time)

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I seriously hope you stick around ;-), but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  Now, on to the good stuff...

Have you noticed that people aren't very connected these days (despite the numerous ways in which to "connect" with one another)?

It feels like many of us are living stand-alone lives that we like to post about on social media yet have very little real connection with our fellow man - even those we love.  

And this is true even for those who don't spend much time on social media.

Let me ask you a few questions:
  • When was the last time you made eye contact and struck up a conversation with a stranger (such as in the Starbucks line, at a restaurant, or in the elevator)?  
  • Did you hug or kiss your kids or significant other this morning as you left for work?
  • How often do you sit down for a full meal with friends and/or family without any electronic devices?
I know what you're thinking...

You're too busy and there's too much to do (right?).

But is that really true, Friend?  Is it really more important to check your email, double check your calendar, and/or send that text?

Why Social Connections Matter

Research shows that lack of social connection is detrimental to your health. It leads to declines in both psychological and physical health (and even antisocial behavior).

That makes intuitive sense, doesn't it?  Just look at Millennials.  They're the most technologically connected generation yet struggle with human connection (and also from higher than normal levels of stress, anxiety, and depression).

On the flip side, having strong social connections has been shown to lead to longer life (as much as 50% increased longevity). But even more importantly is what it does for your quality of life.

Being socially connected leads to lower stress, less anxiety, higher self-esteem, lower inflammation levels, and even stronger immune systems.

But there's more to it than that! I believe that one of the reasons so many people feel like they have no purpose is this lack of connection.

Here's the thing: human beings are wired to connect with fellow humans. And the less you do what you’re pre-wired for, the more lost you'll feel.

It's time to prioritize human connection.  In person (and real).

Because you're not truly connecting via text, email, or through social media.

If you're ready to do this, then I have a challenge for you...

Success Challenge/Tip

Over the course of the next week, find ways to socially connect with more people every day.  I recommend you strive to have at least 2 meaningful social connections each day.  And don't focus only on people you know well.

Connect with strangers, people you're familiar with (yet don't know well), and people you're close to.

How? Here are a few ideas to help you...

→ When it comes to making connections with strangers, you don't need to spend hours trying to get their life story. Find simple ways to make a connection on a human level. Here are some examples:
  • When on the bus or train to/from work, put your phone away and talk to someone.
  • Smile and be kind to your waiter/waitress at lunch. Ask them a question or two about how their day's going (just be human).
→ For people who you're familiar with but don't know well, strive to make a deeper connection. Get curious about who they are. Here are some ideas:
  • Take a colleague to lunch and practice the ABC’s (always be curious).
  • If you regularly go to the same coffee shop, grocery store, or restaurant, ask an employee you often see there about their day (while looking them in the eye and giving them your undivided attention).
→ When connecting with people you’re already close to, follow these important rules:
  • Turn off all electronic devices.
  • Ask questions and then listen, don’t talk.
  • Physical touch is powerful. Hug, kiss, hold hands, or put your hand on their shoulder or back (assuming it's appropriate, of course).
A quick note: don't over-complicate or over-think this! You're around people EVERY DAY. It's not rocket science and it doesn't take much time or effort.

Once you've done this, I want to hear from you!  Let me know how it felt to put away the technology and instead connect with people on a human level.
P.S.  Take simple self-care even further by learning to be more mindful.  Get started now with How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Through Mindfulness (and Be a Better Leader).

P.P.S.  Be on the lookout for a special email later this week (I'm introducing a new free Q&A format to help you further).
About Heather

I help successful yet overwhelmed and unfulfilled professionals create fulfilling work that’s balanced with a real life... without sacrificing your success.

Here's the thing: you weren't born to rinse and repeat your life into oblivion.  It's time to get create a calm mind, get clear about what you want, and confidently take control of your life so that you can create success from the inside-out.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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