Subject: Good news for you

There’s GOT to be more to life than…

  • Working all the time yet still struggling to get everything done.

  • Stressing that you’ll drop a ball (and let everyone down).

  • Worrying people won’t understand if you say “no” (so you don’t - ever).

  • Having guilt around taking (just!) 1 hour of time for yourself.

  • Feeling like a fraud for being held up as a role model.

Those were the thoughts that played like a broken record inside my head for years.

Until I finally wizened up and realized… Yep. There IS more to life than that.

It’s also where many of my clients are when they finally reach out to me for help.

Part of the problem is how we (as a society) tend to define success. It's primarily based on external (mostly monetary) metrics and how other people view you.

But money doesn't buy happiness (and can be lost). And other people's perception of you can change in an instant - often for reasons that aren't within your control.

Which is the problem, isn't it Friend?

Think about how that definition of success impacts your decisions...

What (and who) you say yes/no to. The things that you prioritize. Are they your priorities?

When you define success this way, you'll never truly GET THERE because you'll be too worried about what others think. And that you might not be able to keep up.

That's how you end up in a place where you're not just stressed and unhappy but also:

➠ Gaining weight.

➠ Losing hair.

➠ Having anxiety attacks.

➠ Drinking too much.

➠ Going to the ER to get a rapid heart rate under control.

➠ Having heart surgery (thanks to stress-related damage).

[Chronic stress has a long-term impact on your mental and physical health].

The good news is that success isn't about those things. Because success means FEELING content in who you are and how you're showing up in the world.

And it's created from the inside-out by:

  • Taking ownership of your thoughts and emotions.

  • Making choices that align with your values and priorities.

  • Meeting your own needs (also known as self-care).

That's how to fulfill your fullest potential without sacrificing yourself in the process. And be happily successful.



P.S. I have an entire podcast episode around how to redefine success from the inside-out. Go >>>here to listen.

P.P.S. Want help with creating success from the inside-out? Book your free call with me to find how how I can help >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.