Subject: Going Solo

As a young girl, I dreamed about the day I could be out on my own. Answering to no one. Doing it all by myself.

I wanted to prove to everyone (including myself) that I was good enough. And that I didn’t need anyone’s help.

But a funny thing happened (called life) and. . .

One teacher (who believed in me), a kind professor, 2 business coaches, 3 masterminds, more mentors than I can name, and hundreds of smart (and helpful) colleagues later, I’ve realized that nothing was done on my own.

[And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as I’ve limited it to non-family and friends to save space].

Because the truth is, if it hadn’t been for all those people who helped me along the way, I would never have:
  • Been admitted into law school,
  • Graduated near the top of my class, or
  • Built a profitable legal practice.
And I sure as heck wouldn’t be here with you. I’d have let all my fears and doubts stop me from doing what (it turns out) I’m BEST at (coaching).

I’m not telling you this to brag. I’ve made numerous mistakes along the way (and certainly could be much further along had I not).

But these people have picked me up when I’ve fallen, ensured that I’ve learned from my mistakes, and (even better) helped me avoid many others.

Why do I tell you this?

There’s no shame in getting help. Besides, life is easier and much more fun when you get help from other people.

So, where are you going to reach out for some help, Friend?

It could be. . .
  • Reaching out to a mentor.
  • Hiring a coach.
  • Asking for a colleague's advice.
  • Or even delegating work to someone else.
Hit reply and tell me. (You’re 42% more likely to make it happen if you write it down.)

2020 has been one big curve ball, and right now is the BEST time to reach out for help (so do it!).

And if you’re ready to enlist the help of a coach, I’m here for you.

Because this year has been turned upside-down (and there’s so much financial insecurity), I’m opening 5 spots for Inside-Out Success Coaching at ⅓ off my package pricing.

This is a limited time offer - open only through September 18th to those who are the right fit (so we must first chat). And it’s first-come-first-served (once the spots are gone, they’re gone).

Book your call here (or just hit reply to get the ball rolling) so that we can determine whether you’d be a good fit and to get your questions answered.

Here’s to no more going solo!



About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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