Subject: Goal-setters beware (don't make these common mistakes)

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
It’s the time of year when we make decisions about what we’d like to achieve by year’s end.  Which means goal-setting.
Did you know that most of us aren’t good at setting or achieving our goals?  It’s kind of like New Year’s resolution-making.  We get part-way through and then give up.
Part of this is because we're not setting the right goals for ourselves from the outset.  And we make some costly mistakes when setting our goals - mistakes that make it difficult to achieve our goals.
This week I'm dishing on 5 common goal-setting mistakes that you'll want to avoid when setting your goals for the year (and to review in the event you've already set your goals - so you can revise and re-set them for success).  Go here to read 5 Common Goal-Setting Mistakes To Stop Doing Now, and find out:
  • The difference between purpose goals and outsider goals (and why one type should be dropped forever).
  • What an ego-based goal is and why it’s not worth your time or effort to go after.  
  • The most important thing you can do for yourself if you want to achieve your goals (it happens to be what I work with MOST with my clients).
We all set goals for ourselves.  Do you ever think about why (besides getting something specific you think you want)?  Goals help you develop and grow as a human being.  And, if you set the right goals for yourself, they help you feel more satisfied and fulfilled (not only when you achieve them, but also while you’re striving after them).
So, before you finalize your goals for the new year, please ensure that you’re not making these 5 common mistakes (hint: go read the article).
Once you’ve read the article, I want to hear from you.  Let me know what mistake you’re prone to making most and what you’re committing to doing to help you stop making this mistake.  Either tell me in the comments section to my post or hit reply to this email (I read every one).
Can't wait to hear from you,


P.S.  This is your LAST CHANCE to claim your complimentary session to plan for the new year (where you'll get an hour of my time to go over your lessons from last year, how to leverage them into this year, and start setting your goals for the new year).  So, if you've been on the fence, it's time to get off it.  Schedule your session with me here.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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