Subject: Give yourself permission to be mediocre

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Now, on to the good stuff...

I have a short message for you today, Friend.  A message that might just shock you.

It's okay to be mediocre.  In fact, it's NECESSARY if you want to be successful in life.

You can't be the best at everything.  Even if you are the best at something, you won't always be.  It's impossible to always be at the top.  

And if you want to achieve high levels of success in your career and in life, focusing on being perfect or the best (or whatever other language you typically use) isn't what's going to get you there.

Remember: success is about being aligned to what's most important to you so that you're happy and content with yourself, your decisions and your life.  And it's also about being willing to learn and grow - always.

You can't have that if you're not willing to be mediocre (maybe even bad at some things).  

You'll never branch out or take risks because you'll be too consumed by how imperfect you are.  It will inhibit your growth, sap your confidence and lead to stress (even anxiety).

So do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to be mediocre.

Before you go, hit reply and tell me what's getting in your way.  What about accepting mediocrity feels hard (even scary)?  I'll respond back with a few tips.

Recommended Articles/Resources

To help you up-level your life while also accepting that mediocrity is okay, read the following:
  • An article I recently wrote for Attorney at Work: Stress Less, Control More With 3 Proven Strategies. If your high standards + need to control things are causing you stress, it's time to employ one (or more) of these strategies (and you don't have to be an attorney for this to help you!).
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  

When you're ready, here's how I can help:

1. Uncage Your Life Coaching: Free yourself from burnout by resetting your self-care practices in this 90-minute coaching session.

2. Inside-Out Success Coaching: 6 months of VIP coaching to help you transform from feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled to clear, confident, and in control.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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