Subject: Getting what you really want

Are you a rule follower (like me) or more of a rule-breaker? Or do you like to make your own rules as you go?

[No judgment here. My youngest son is a total rule breaker and my oldest is a rule-maker (and I adore them both!)].

Being a big rule follower can be good. But it can also be bad because it had me take on other people's values and definition of success early in my career. 

Unfortunately, that had me... regularly jumping to the beck-and-call of everyone else, putting myself dead last. No matter how much 'paper' success that brings, it certainly doesn't bring happiness.

Thankfully, my dear (exasperated) husband reminded me that I had a choice. But before I could make the right choice for me, I had to first reexamine 3 things:
  • what I could control,
  • how I measured success, and
  • how I viewed time.
Doing this empowered me to choose to live the life I wanted (and create my version of success).

Probably the biggest complaint I hear from prospective clients is that they feel like they have no control... over their career, their law practice, their life!

That’s when I get excited (yes, you heard that right).

Because - according to clients - one of my superpowers is helping you let go of what you can't control so that you can start taking control of what you can.

Something magical happens when you let go of trying to control all the wrong things, Friend...

You feel calmer, more confident and (you guessed it) in control.

Which is why today's podcast is designed to help YOU reexamine these three things. Go >>> here to learn how (and start making what you want a reality).



About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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