Subject: Fake it till you make it is bad advice

Hey there, Friend.  Today, I'm dispelling the myth that you can build confidence by faking it.

Once upon a time I believed this myth.  I acted as though I knew what I was doing and felt completely comfortable in my own skin.  Even though I didn't.

And guess what?  It didn't work.

In fact, faking it made me feel like a fraud.  I constantly wondered whether anyone could see through me.  Leading me to feel even less confident.

Talk about creating a horrible cycle for myself.

Thanks to some wise words from a good friend, I eventually came to my senses and decided to drop the fake it till you make it mindset.  Which required that I figure out how to build my confidence naturally - without faking it.

Sadly, I see clients (and friends) buying into the fake it till you make it mentality.  Given that it's likely to lead to less confidence (not more) and extreme disappointment, I want to convince them to stop.  And to adopt some techniques better suited to work for them.

Which leads to my latest YourTango article.  In this article, you'll learn 6 ways to increase self-confidence.  For real.

Click here now to read 6 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Self-Confidence (Without Faking It).

Once you've read the article, I ask that you share it with someone you think would benefit from it.  Most of us can always use a bit more self-confidence.

All my best,


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