Subject: Exciting news for you

Two years ago I started something super exciting: a Mastermind for attorneys wanting to exponentially grow their book of business without growing stress levels.

Then COVID hit (the month after we got started).

Holding someone’s vision for their business and dream is S-C-A-R-Y. I make big promises and go all-in on my clients.

COVID made all that even scarier.

But despite that (and the continually changing legal landscape), the results blew my mind. To the point where I relaunched the Mastermind last year, and got similarly mind-blowing results.

The lesson? Your success is more dependent on what you put in than what's going on in the world.

Don’t let unexpected events stop you, Friend.

And if you're a private practice attorney looking to grow the practice you want - one that increases both your bottom line and ability to serve yourself (because we'll be simplifying everything), you're in luck.

Now a bit of unvarnished truth… I’m not the coach for everyone. I expect you to show up and do the work. And I’ll show up for you 100% (sometimes, with a bit of tough love).

But for the right few, what I bring to the table is a game-changer for your business. As my client Monica says, my “cut-to-the-chase, no-nonsense approach gets results.”

Achievements of past clients include:
  • An increase of more than $200,000 in revenues (in less than a year).
  • Starting a new side business (that feeds new business into the legal side).
  • Getting to over $1MM in originations.
  • Meeting the revenue goals required to be promoted from Of Counsel to Shareholder.
  • Growing a brand-new solo practice to over $300,000 in revenues.
But fair warning…

The common thread is they came prepared to work, were open to trying new things and refused to give up (on me, themselves or their dreams). And their efforts are paying off - not just from a monetary perspective but in the level of pure pleasure you experience when your business takes off.

Whether you’re:

✅ An experienced partner wanting to skyrocket originations,
✅ A young partner looking to start building your own book, or
✅ An of counsel attorney wanting to be promoted to equity partner...

Without getting overwhelmed (so that you can increase revenues and grow a strong support team), ELEVATE was designed specifically for you.

Not everyone who applies will be a good fit but for some of you this is the level of support you know in your core you need to take your law practice to the next level without losing yourself in the process.

I’m currently accepting applications. Learn more and fill out your application >>>here.

Believing in you!


P.S. Not a lawyer or know you’re not interested in the Mastermind? No problem.Click here and you won’t receive another email about it.

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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