Subject: Exciting news!

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
I have some exciting news to share with you today! 

I'm scheduled to present at the annual Plaid for Women 2018 conference this coming fall to discuss why searching for balance doesn't work.  And as part of that, I was recently interviewed by the Plaid for Radio podcast to discuss Re-Thinking Work Life Balance: Why Searching for Balance Isn't Working (and What to Do Instead).

Now, if you feel that this isn't for you because you don't feel balance is possible (or are just plain tired of hearing about and struggling to find "balance") then you especially need to listen to this episode.

Because I have a secret: I'm right there with you when it comes to this whole "balance" discussion.  Because it's not about balance.

I have a few questions for you...

Do you want career success?  And do you want to be happy with that success (and not feel trapped by it)?

If you answered "yes" then this interview is for you. Because professional success doesn't have to come at the cost of your personal life.

Not only will you learn more about how to start re-thinking this whole "balance" concept, but you'll also find out some interesting tidbits about me, such as:
  • why (and how) I began to re-think my legal career so that I could be happy and successful at the same time
  • why I believe people have "service" all wrong (and how it's empowering and not at all about self-sacrifice)
  • how cancer changed my viewpoint of risk [please pay special attention to this segment and think about how to apply it to YOUR LIFE]
  • why I left a successful 18+ year legal career behind to become an executive coach
Once you've listened to the interview, I want to hear from you.  Hit reply to this email and tell me (1) what you learned that you'd like to start applying to your life, and (2) how you might consider re-thinking risk for yourself - based on how I describe it in the interview.


P.S. If you're interested in the Plaid for Women annual conference, you can find out more and register for it here.

P.P.S.  Guys: women aren't the only ones looking for more "balance" (I know because you're here and I work with male clients - not just women).  So don't be scared off by the fact that the interview is for Plaid for Women.  Besides, we can keep this a secret ;-).
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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