Subject: Every day can be different

  • Buzz (goes the alarm).

  • Downstairs for coffee.

  • Back upstairs to check news and email on the iPad (and chat with hubby).

  • Downstairs (again) to work out + meditate.

  • Feed the cats.

  • Breakfast with the boys.

  • Shower and get ready for the day.

  • In front of my computer by 8:30am.

That’s my weekday morning routine. Every weekday. Five days per week.

Some might wonder whether every day feels pretty much the same.




Same as it ever was (for any Talking Heads fans out there).

In a word, no.

Because everyday isn’t the same.

First, I don’t do the same things every day. My workouts and breakfasts (even my coffee) vary based on my mood.

But most importantly, I proactively pay attention to the little things.

Things that change daily.

Things most of us take for granted.

Things many of us hardly even notice.

Things like…

  • The way my cat Sissy trills when giving her breakfast (today - a combo trill/purr).

  • The smile of my oldest when he finds out I made breakfast.

  • The 10-minute serenade of our neighborhood wren (while I worked out).

  • The sound of the leaves rustling in the wind as I meditated.

  • The taste of the cappuccino I decided to make for myself this morning (as a treat).

Every day can be different. But only if you’re truly paying attention.

Open your eyes and ears to the wonder of nature.

Be curious about other people and accept that everyone (and I do mean everyone) is weird in their own wonderfully special way. Instead of being annoyed by that, get curious about and interested in it.

This is about tuning your mind to experience life differently.

Try it out for yourself, Friend.

Not only will every day be different, it will also be much more enjoyable.



P.S. Living with more intention is key to feeling content with yourself and your life, which is something I covered in-depth in this episode about how to be content in life. This is my most listened-to podcast to date (for a reason). Have you listened to it yet?

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.