Subject: Ever feel guilty about working so much?

Today's article is for you if you're a working parent and you ever feel guilty about working (or how much you work).

When I first became a mom, I struggled with guilt.  Guilt because I worked so much.  Guilt because I sometimes had to work when my kids were sick.  Guilt about working at all.

But then I decided that I needed to work (for my own sanity) and would ditch it.  Forever.  And I did.  My motto became "I don't do guilt".  If you know me, you know I say this all the time.

My latest article written for YourTango highlights how I ditched my working-mom guilt.  And how you can too.

I want to note a few things before you head over to the article:
  1. This isn't just a mom thing.  I find that many men feel it too - although they don't like to talk about it as much.  So, although the article references moms (because that's what YourTango wanted), it's just as applicable to the dads out there.
  2. If you suffer from guilt because of your career or job, you need to give yourself 5 minutes to read this.  Because this guilt doesn't have to exist for you.  It isn't a truth that you must live with.
  3. If you aren't a parent, I ask that you send this to your family and friends who are.
In this article you'll learn 5 things that you can do to ditch the guilt.  So, go read How to Ditch Working Mom Guilt and start implementing these 5 techniques now.  So you can move past the guilt and start enjoying your life more.

Once you've read the article, I ask that you share it with your family and friends who are working parents.  After all, they deserve to ditch the guilt too!  You can share by forwarding this email to them or by sharing the article directly from YourTango.

As always, thanks for your support.

All my best,

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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