Subject: Don't stop doing this

Shaky voice, my 6-year old self finally mustered up the courage to ask my grandparents a question I'd long pondered but hadn't yet had the courage to ask.

Where do you go to the bathroom in Heaven?”

My grandfather - and the friends he was entertaining - burst out laughing.

Fighting back tears, I turned to run but couldn’t before my Nana pulled me into her lap.

“Good question,” she said. “The truth is, no one knows. But you keep asking questions. It’s what smart people do.”

Thanks to my loud, spirited (and fiercely loving) grandmother, I’ve been asking questions ever since.

What I’ve learned is the more you ask questions, the better your questions - and you - become.

Not only does it make life more interesting, but it helps you to stay curious about why people believe the things they believe and do the things they do.

Which creates understanding and openness towards people who think and act differently than you (instead of writing them off as wrong or - worse - dangerous because you've allowed the fear-based, primitive side of your brain to take over).

Eventually, this curious mindset will also turn inward. You'll ask questions such as:

  • How could I do this differently?

  • How could I make this more worthwhile?

  • What can I learn from this (not so great) experience?

Don't stop asking questions, Friend. In fact, start asking more of them.

You and your life will be better for it. And you might also make society a bit better too.



P.S. Foster a more curious mindset by listening to this Life & Law Podcast Episode.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.