Subject: Don't let doubt stop you, Friend

February 2020. After months of hard work, my first-of-a-kind attorney business mastermind had come to fruition.

It’s not an exaggeration to say I was giddy. And so were my clients - their energy was palpable (even via Zoom).

I helped them set bold goals and create their strategies for goal achievement. As with most attorneys (especially pre-pandemic) most of their strategies revolved around in-person networking.

I bet you see where this is going,Friend.

By mid-March that energy and excitement had turned to despair. They were reeling, questioning how they could possibly meet their goals.

I remember telling them how the group was built to deal with these types of problems. Which was true.

But I was scared, doubting whether I could deliver. What if they were right?

[Being part of someone else’s big business dreams isn’t for the faint of heart.]

Turns out the Mastermind was the perfect place to brainstorm new ways to grow a law practice in the midst of a never-before-experienced pandemic shutdown.

What I learned was that my faith in the framework I’d developed (and taught to my clients) was justified.

Since it’s what helped me grow my business to $2.5MM+ from scratch (after losing everything thanks to the 2008 financial crisis), maybe I shouldn’t have doubted.

Here's the exact framework I'm talking about:

  1. Simplify. Leverage your strengths to simplify your strategies and let go of the things you're not as good at (bonus: this also makes it more enjoyable).

  2. Systematize. Create systems and processes to free up more time and energy. If done right this will make it easier to train others and delegate.

  3. Support Yourself. Be honest about your weaknesses and support yourself appropriately (through peers, mentors, colleagues, employees, coaches and so on). This is a big one too many high achievers ignore (which limits them).

It’s normal to feel doubt. And to have fears. But they don't have to stop you.

Use the formula above to take intentional, consistent action despite your doubts and fears.

Here’s what I’m constantly hearing from attorneys in private practice:

  • You’re overwhelmed.

  • You feel isolated.

  • You’re frustrated.

Because you wear too many hats, don't have enough people you trust to confide in, and need help determining where to focus your efforts to maximize ROI (the advice you keep getting is too generic).

That’s why I created ELEVATE.

Everything changes - for you and your practice - when you have a simple strengths-based strategy coupled with unyielding support from an expert and peers you trust.

Before we go, let me answer a few quick questions about ELEVATE:

  • Yes, you'll change how you view the business of law (hint: it’s easier than you think).

  • Yes, it’s worth it (and more).

  • Yes, you will get results.

Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what Suzi Hixon (a member of my current mastermind group) has to say:

Heather’s secret weapon is her combination of practical, step-by-step guidance tailored to your business needs while also ensuring you have the right mindset for staying motivated to keep going.”

And Keron (a former member) noted:

“The mastermind is a necessary endeavor for learning who you really are as a professional. Thanks to this experience, I’m on track to reach (even exceed) my stretch revenue goal and have confidence in my ability to run a business.”

Learn everything you need to know about and apply for ELEVATE >>>here. Only 2 spots are available.



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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.