Subject: Don't let doubt stop you

January 2009. Thanks to the financial crisis, the business I'd had when being promoted to partner the prior year was gone, and I kept thinking...

How do I rebuild everything from scratch during a recession?

[Especially as a semi-introvert who doesn't love putting herself out there].

I had so many fears, doubts and worries swirling in my head. But I wanted control over my practice so took action anyway (one step at a time)... And grew my business to over $1MM in 2 years.

I'm not special - anyone can do what I did.

I'm popping into your inbox today to share what I learned through this experience.

Lesson #1: Leverage your strengths as much as possible.

It makes hard work more fun while boosting confidence. Win-win.

Lesson #2: Success requires constraint.

When things don't go as planned, it's tempting to double down but that's often the exact wrong thing to do.

Instead, practice constraint. It allows you to be more consistent and gives you space to think.

Lesson #3: Systematize everything you possibly can.

Systems and processes enable you to do less, delegate more and free up time (there's a reason Episode #76 of the Life & Law Podcast covered this very topic).

Lesson #4: Support is a salve for self-doubt.

Support from others boosts your courage and builds confidence, empowering you to take bold action. That's why I spent another recent episode of my podcast on this topic (see Episode #79).

These lessons are applicable to everyone (whether or not you're an attorney). Including you, Friend.

I can't promise that applying these lessons will enable you to achieve everything you want. But I am promising you'll BE successful over the long-term.

And if you ARE an attorney in private practice feeling:

  • Overwhelmed by the many hats you're wearing,

  • Unsupported trying to do it all on your own,

  • Uncertain where to focus your efforts (for the best ROI),

  • Stressed that your practice isn't where you want it to be,

  • Worried about the impact of an underwhelming economy,

You're not alone. Not only have I been there but I speak to attorneys daily that are right there with you.

It doesn't have to continue.

That's why I created ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind. Through ELEVATE you'll get the support, strategy and systems you need to get real results.

Don't take my word for it. Here's what Roxanne Edwards had to say about ELEVATE:

"I increased my book of business by $100,000 and am maximizing my effectiveness as a leader. Work with Heather if you want to be reenergized while growing your business."

Learn everything you need to know about and apply for ELEVATE >>>here.

Only 8 spots are available, it’s first-come-first-serve and it’s the LAST time I’ll be offering it at this price (which - according to a past participant - is a “steal”). So, be sure to apply now.



P.S. Not interested in ELEVATE? No problem. Click here to stop receiving ELEVATE-specific emails.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.