Subject: Don't Be a Koala. Here's Why.

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.

Now, on to the good stuff...

Happy Tuesday, Friend!  I know what you're thinking...

How would I be like a koala?

Did you know that koala's tend to get so comfy in their tree that they often stay put even after food has run out? They might be surrounded by a forest full of food yet starve to death.

Human beings aren't all that different.  It's amazing how "comfortable" you can get with stagnation... or even with being miserable.

Doing something new, challenging, or different has risk.  Better to stay put where you are and not rock the boat, right?

Wrong.  By staying put you're starving your soul (which is a pretty big risk in itself).

When you make excuses about how your dreams aren't really attainable, how you have no choice, or that things won't be all that good anyway over there, you're talking yourself out of:
  • fulfilling your full potential
  • succeeding beyond your wildest dreams
  • becoming a better version of yourself
You have options... even though you might feel stuck.  You have the ability to go big in your goals... even though you're worried that you might fail.

Here's the truth about goals: it's not about your destination, it's about your journey.  

Don't get me wrong, goal-achievement feels great (to the point where you might even celebrate)... for a hot second or two.  But before you know it, you've moved on and set a new goal.  Not only is most of your time spent on your journey to achievement, but it's where you're challenged and experience real growth.  

What this means is that your goals influence who you become.  That's why it's so important to ensure that your goals align with your values.... your purpose.

But I’ve got your back.  I'm about to show you how to create meaningful goals with intention that will:
  • increase your chance for achieving them (because you'll be more motivated to work toward them with joy); and
  • increase your fulfillment.
And I'll be helping you out LIVE in a free Goals with Purpose Workshop.  

Here's the scoop:
  • Join me LIVE at 11:30 CST January 24th for a step-by-step on how to set your 2019 purpose-based goals.  I'll be handing over my framework for how to set the RIGHT goals and turn them into simple steps so that you'll more easily ACHIEVE your goals.
  • The workshop will last about 45 minutes and is jam-packed, so please be sure to show up on time.  Once done, I'll hang around and answer questions.
By the end of the challenge, not only will you have goals that'll motivate you to crush them, but you'll also feel more connected to your purpose + be motivated instead of overwhelmed by your goals.

Please note: although I will *try* to record the workshop, there are no guarantees with technology.  So, if your'e interested and you can't make the time please sign up and I'll do my best to send you the recording.  That being said, it's best if you show up live (it's the only way to get questions answered).  And I'll only send the recording to folks who indicated they're interested.

So what do you say, Friend? Are you in?

(Tap here and you're in!)

Once you're in, be on the lookout for a confirmation email.

Can’t wait to see you in the workshop!

P.S. To set goals with purpose, you must have clarity around your core personal values.  If you're not 100% clear on what they are and EXACTLY what they mean to you, then download your free copy of the Inner Compass Values Assessment workbook.

P.P.S.  If you've skipped to the end, here's what you need to know: (1) don't be like a koala by getting so comfy where you are that you stagnate and even starve your soul, (2) instead, set big goals that are purpose-based for more fulfillment and joy in life, and (3) join my free workshop on January 24th at 11:30 CST to learn how to set Goals with Purpose so that you have a more purposeful, productive, and happy 2019.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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