Subject: Do you want this?

About a year after I was promoted to partner, I realized I’d been mindlessly following a path others had set out before me without ever asking… “Do I want this?”

That’s when I decided to pivot my practice and rebuild from scratch.

It was scary but also the BEST decision I ever made for my law practice since I thereafter built a thriving ($2.5MM+) practice within an area I enjoyed and with clients I adored.

And so, I’m asking you...

Do you want this? With “this” being your current:

  • Practice area/industry?

  • Team?

  • Clients?

  • Practice size?

  • Firm?

If the answer to any of those questions is “no”, it’s time to pivot because what got you here isn’t going to get you where you want to be.

I remember feeling alone in the early days of my rebuild. I wasn’t sure who had my best interests at heart or who would understand what I was going through.

I eventually figured this out but it took a while and I made some mistakes in who I trusted along the way. And I know I'm not alone.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from attorneys is how isolated and alone they feel. It's why I created my mastermind (ELEVATE) - which is designed to give you peer support and expert guidance you can trust while building the practice you want.

According to past participant Jim Chester, the group (and trust between group members) was a “critical element” to his success.

The truth is you’re too close to your own practice to see where you’re stuck or stagnant. Other people can see root problems you can't while opening you up to new possibilities for getting from problem to solution (more quickly!).

I'm here to invite you to apply for early enrollment to ELEVATE, Friend. It's the last week to take advantage of early enrollment and the LAST time I'll be reaching out to you about it.

Why care? Because early enrollment includes bonuses such as: the option to pay in installments and up to 5 months of additional coaching with me (at zero added cost).

Applying obligates you to nothing - it's just an opportunity to ask questions and determine if it's a fit. Schedule your call and apply here:

Can't find a time that works? Hit reply and let me know your availability this week. I promise to do everything I can to make something work for us both this week.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


P.S. Get more information + see the testimonials for ELEVATE >>>here.

P.P.S. Tap here to opt-out of ELEVATE-specific emails (no need to clutter your inbox if not interested).

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.