Subject: Do you think this too?

I used to tell myself things would be better when I graduated (from high school, then college and finally law school). And then when I passed the BAR exam.

Not because I was all that unhappy - it's just that I believed I needed to "get past" all those things for real life to start.

After working for about a year and not much changing, I finally realized...

There will always be something next.

A next step in my career.

A next stage in my life.

A next something (I couldn't currently fathom or control).

No matter what the "next" was, it was up to me to live life as best I could.

What about you, Friend?

Do you ever think life will get better if you just get past whatever stage, circumstance or world event you're caught up in?

The secret to a fulfilling life is simpler than we like to think. It's about choice.

Be thoughtful about how you choose to show up.

Because no matter what circumstances you're caught up in (and how much control you have over them), you get to choose how you show up.

Choose to make the best of things. Choose to enjoy life's simple pleasures. Choose to learn and keep going.

Yes, this is a mindset thing. But there's a practical way to get started: align your choices and how you live around your values.

They are your inner compass for making decisions you trust and feel good about.



P.S. I get a lot of questions about how to use your values within a professional/business setting. Learn more about how in this week's podcast conversation with Brian Glass (who built a values-based business)  >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.