Subject: Do you still want that?

Back when I worked in a law firm, I loved it when the clouds were so low that I was in the midst of them. It was calming. And I felt as if I was floating.

I practiced law for almost 2 decades.

And I loved it.

Yet one day I decided it was time to move on, do something new. My priorities had changed. Which changed what I wanted to do for a living.

Now my view is from my bedroom window. From the corner of my room (because my dear husband also works from home).

I see my backyard. There's a hummingbird feeder outside my window.

I'm down the hall from my 2 boys, close enough to hear my drummer boy and guitar hero jam (sometimes on their own, other times playing together and oftentimes at the same time yet NOT together).

I love this life more than I could ever have imagined.

That doesn’t mean I didn’t love my life before.

I did!

There are seasons to life, Friend.

Priorities change. New things come calling.

What you wanted as a 30-year old won't be what you want at 45.

Experiences will change you. And change what you want out of life. They might even change what you want to do for a living.

Don’t pen yourself in because it’s what you’ve always done, where you’ve always been, how you planned for things to be (back when you were 25).

Keep an open mind and listen to your wishes, dreams and yearnings.

Be willing to make a change when the season you’ve been in turns into a new one.

To hear about my own experience - how I discovered that I wanted to leave my legal career behind and start a new business - listen to this week's latest Life & Law Podcast release.

It's my story. But it's bigger than that.

Because my hope is that you'll learn to listen to your own inner voice - the one that yearns for something different or more. And not allow your fears to get in your way.

Listen to this week's episode >>>here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.