Subject: Do you really need to do this?

Have you ever said (or heard someone say) that you must spend money to make money?

It's something a mentor said to me back in 2009, as I worried about spending too much on business development after the 2008 market crash.

I also hear attorneys say this when trying to justify big business expenses.

Here’s the thing…

Although you DO need to invest in your business, you need a more nuanced approach than “spend money to make money”.

Not all expenditures make sense. And there’s more to it than money.

There’s also a time and energy investment you can’t get around regardless of how much money you invest.

Which is why I advise my clients to take their time and do a proper analysis when thinking of making any business investment. Ask and answer some important questions, such as:

--> What is the goal of the expenditure?

--> How (and when) will you measure results?

--> How often - and when - will you reanalyze/tweak?

Back to my mentor... He had a point.

After a deeper conversation, I realized what he was really saying was that I was working from a scarcity mindset (which would lead to failure).

I was so worried my marketing efforts would result in crickets and I'd hear "no" when asking new prospects for business that I went in assuming those things would likely happen.

Not exactly a recipe for success, is it Friend?

To help me change my mindset and take action despite my worries, I sought help from peers and mentors I trusted. People who:

  • Reflected my strengths back to me (increasing my inner confidence),

  • Supported me to go bigger than I thought possible, and

  • Challenged me to act despite fears.

Two years later I crossed the $1MM origination mark (and kept growing my business from there). I couldn't have done it without their support.

This is why I created my mastermind, ELEVATE.

ELEVATE is designed to give you peer support and expert advice that's tailored to your unique strengths, personality, goals and needs. The results speak for themselves...

--> More than doubling (even tripling) originations in one year.

--> Attracting several new referral partners + 2 new clients in the first 8 weeks.

--> Generating over $300,000 in revenues the first full year of solo practice.

And it's not just about the monetary results. According to former Mastermind member Keron, ELEVATE "is a necessary endeavor to learn who you really are as a professional.”

It's normal to worry things might not work. And to fear this might be all you're capable of (so why even try?).

That's where I was back in 2009.

Stepping into the unknown and depending on yourself can be terrifying. But courage isn’t the lack of fear; It’s action in the face of fear.

My question for you is...

Are you willing to bet on yourself to learn who you are as a professional and business owner?

Apply for ELEVATE >>>> here.



P.S. Don't want to hear another word about the Mastermind? Tap here to opt-out of ELEVATE-specific emails.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.