Subject: Do you money-shame yourself?

You want to make more money yet rarely (never?) say that out loud. You even have trouble saying it to yourself.

Because it’s not considered tactful. You might even believe you should be content with what you already have (others have less, you shouldn’t want more…right?)

You're money-shaming yourself. And I call BS on all of it, Friend.

Just about EVERYONE wants to make more money. Regardless of how much they currently make or have made in the past.

Wanting more is human.

Maybe you think money-shaming isn’t much of a problem. It’s something you can deal with.

I disagree.

Your relationship with money impacts your decisions around money. Including decisions that could lead to you making more money.

For example…

A money-shaming attorney trying to grow their own book of business is likely to hold back from asking for business, fumble their words when they do and seem less confident in their abilities.

[You would be shocked how often attorneys money-shame themselves].

The truth is, there’s no reason to feel ashamed of wanting more so long as HOW you go about making more isn’t immoral, illegal or against your own values. And - because you’re here - it’s safe to assume you’re not that person.

So, how do you stop money-shaming yourself?

Listen to today’s Life & Law Podcast >>>here to find out.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.