Subject: Do you know your blind spots?

These are holding you back (and you don't even know it). I'm talking about your blind spots.

Blind spots are the beliefs, narratives and behaviors that hold you back. You either don't see them (at all) or you (falsely) believe that they're helpful.

Here are some examples of common blind spots in high-achievers (that I see a lot in my coaching):
  • Not trusting team members with all information, creating mutual lack of trust within your entire team.
  • Sacrificing your own wants and needs in order to minimize conflict.
  • Overvaluing others' opinions, which holds you back from trying new things.
Everyone has blind spots. Becoming aware of your blind spots is the key to neutralizing them (so that they no longer hold you back).

That's why today's Life & Law Podcast is about how to identify and navigate through your blind spots. Join me and my guest Likky Lavji (author of the Amazon best-selling book Death By B.S.) to learn how to neutralize your blind spots.

Want to make a bigger impact and be happier, Friend? That's what today's podcast is about.



P.S. Are you at a tipping point... where you know that it's time to overcome the fears holding you back (or otherwise, let go of your big dreams)? Book a call with me >>>here for a quick chat about how I can help.

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals reclaim your confidence, retake control and create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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