Subject: Do you know the secret to having a career and life you love?

Happy Thursday, Friend!

Most of my clients struggle mightily with how to juggle their careers and their personal life.  And it's not just parents that struggle.

In this fast-paced world filled with technology, it's easy to get a bit lost.  To work hard for things that, at the end of the day, don't matter all that much.

And that's the problem:  we're working extremely hard for things that don't fit very well with who we are and what we want in life.  We've even lost sight of who we are, what we want, and why.

One minute we know (or think we know) what we want and how to go about getting it, and then life gets in the way and has a way of hijacking us.  And we find that we're devoting our time and energy to things that don't make us happy.

Because we think it's what we're supposed to be doing.  Or that it's selfish to consider our own internal wants, needs, and priorities.

Which is why so many of us are unhappy and struggling to keep it all together.

This idea that we're selfish by aligning our life with who we are is so WRONG.

What if I told you that understanding who you are and what you really want AND learning to align your life with that will make you happier, more successful (within your career and personal life), and a better person all-around

That's right:  you'll be a better person when you learn to do this.  This increased happiness will give you more energy.  Which will enable you to make a more meaningful difference in the world.

We constantly hear about, talk about, and implement various tools and techniques that are supposed to help us be more successful and feel more balanced in life.  But we keep leaving out the one essential ingredient: knowing ourselves deeply and aligning our actions with that.

I call this living with intention.

For more about what it means to live intentionally and how to do it, check out my new blog postI've talked a bit about this concept before (in the Truth Series), but my new article goes more in-depth into the process involved and how to get started.

By reading my new post you'll learn:

- Why it's so important to live with intention;
- The three fundamental ingredients to living intentionally; and
- How to get started so that you can build a life you truly love.

As a bonus, I'm giving you access to my Values Assessor to help you gain deeper insight into your "who".  Once you've read the post, I recommend you use the Values Assessor to help you get started and live with more intention.  You can get it by clicking on the link in the blog.

And once you've done that, I'd love to hear from you.  In the comments section to this article, please let me know one value you found going through this process that either surprised you or was confirmed for you (but was something you didn’t previously want to admit was a core value). 

Remember that your courage to share could help someone else, so please give as much detail as you’d like.

All my best,


P.S.  If you haven't read the Truth Series, you can find them by clicking on the links below:

Truth Series Part I: How Do You Define Yourself?

Truth Series Part II: Who Are You, Really?

Truth Series Part III: Being Authentically You

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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