Subject: Do you have to choose between money and balance?

Is balance versus money an either/or choice?

Can you have a balanced lifestyle and still achieve your big professional goals? Goals like:

  • Making partner (or equity partner),

  • Building business of your own, and/or

  • Being promoted to C-Suite/leadership.

Short answer?

No, it's not an either/or choice. Yes, you can have a balanced life while fulfilling your big goals.

But there’s more to it, Friend (nuance most leave out).

If you want a more balanced life without giving up your big career/business goals, here's what you need to know (and do):

#1: Switch your focus.

Quit trying to compare the time you spend working to the time you spend doing other things. There’s no comparison - and not what balance is about.

Instead of obsessing over how much time you spend doing various things, focus on how to feel more energized, motivated and inspired (to quickly see what needs to change to feel more balanced).

When you do the things that pick up your energy + motivation levels, you'll end up feeling more balanced.

#2: Get clear around what you actually want.

What do you want? And what are your priorities?

Are you spending most of your time (80%+) on things you enjoy, with people you enjoy? Or, are you spending most of your time doing things that aren’t all that important to you?

If the latter, is it because you’re trying to fulfill other people’s expectations of who you should be, what you should want (instead of your own)? [This is where most people get off-track].

#3: Determine how much is enough.

This is a question few people ask themselves. And so, they end up comparing themselves - and their results - to other people.

Which hijacks their brain into believing they must do more, push harder to get what other people have (without ever considering whether it’s what they want/need).

The result? An always-on-forever-busy-paper-only success life.

#4: Know your acceptable trade-offs.

Will you sometimes work hard to get what you want? Yes.

Will it sometimes mean working longer hours for what you want? Absolutely.

Will you occasionally give something up to get something else you want? Yep.

That’s life.

Which is why it’s important to determine your acceptable trade-offs.

Be honest with yourself about what you’re willing to do/give to get what you want. And then be intentional about how you go about achieving what you want based on those accepted trade-offs.

You CAN achieve much and have a balanced life (while making great money too). But to do that, you must be intentional about it.

Learn how to be more intentional so you can create your version of balanced success by listening to this week's Life & Law Podcast episode >>>here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.